Contrary to popular belief, an effective network is not usually a big one. Success doesn’t come from having the most connections. Creating and engaging targeted relationships is the key to personal performance.
New Role? Learn What Top Performers Do
Most people know that building their network is important for success in a new role. But the advice they get about how to do it is probably wrong.
Manage the Network, Not Just the Team or Unit
Traditional team principles and common methods for collaboration are ineffective today when people are staffed across so many teams with increasingly short lifecycles. Managing networks inside and outside of teams is critical create effective agile groups and drive success.
Drive Organizational Change Through Network Influencers
Identifying and working through informal opinion leaders—before a restructuring, strategic reorientation or launching a significant change initiative—can improve uptake of a change and increase the odds of success.
Drive Organizational Change Through Network InfluencersRead More
Overloaded? Stop Blaming Your Boss
Always-on work cultures, encroaching technology, demanding bosses, difficult clients and inefficient coworkers do create collaborative overload. But there is another enemy: your own mindsets and habits.
6 Types of Collaborative Disfunction—and How Teams Can Do Better
Groups morph into predictable patterns of collaboration that undermine performance if collaboration is not purposefully managed. More successful teams avoid or correct 6 common network patterns that cause lackluster performance or failure.
6 Types of Collaborative Disfunction—and How Teams Can Do BetterRead More
Employ Organizational Network Analysis for Better Org Design
With organizational network analysis, leaders can analyze economic costs and benefits of collaboration and use these insights to redefine hierarchical structures and craft roles and processes to deliver agility and efficiency.
Employ Organizational Network Analysis for Better Org DesignRead More
Activate a Purpose-Built Network to Propel Innovation
Innovations of substance almost always occur through creative friction and re-combinations of existing ideas in networks. More successful organizations drive innovation through critical network roles and processes to generate ideas and get the best ones into play.
Activate a Purpose-Built Network to Propel InnovationRead More